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ZefOp with Logic Types

from zef import *  
from zef.ops import *

# trim any value that is an Int
[4, 6, 'hello', 6.2, 7] | trim[Int] | collect

# Python sets can also be used to define explicit
# sets of values (which can be seen as a type)
[4,6,'hello', 6.2, 7] | trim[{7, 4}] | collect

# we switched everything over to types, since we
# overloaded a whole lot of operators to take
# both values and predicate functions. # e.g.
split[' '] # (NOT valid Zef anymore)
# and
split[is_uppercase] # (NOT valid Zef anymore)

# but now we run into edge cases. What if you have a list
# of functions? Should the predicate function be matched
# as a value or applied?

# Using types combines both options succinctly and removes
# the ambiguity.
# Any predicate function can succinctly be wrapped up as a
# logical type using "Is"
split[Is[lambda x: x > 0]]