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What are they?

"Z-Expressions" allow you to express ValueTypes (sets of values) concisely in terms of logical conditions.
They are distinct on the type level (of Zef type ZExpression).


# the set of all things greater zero  
Positives = (Z > 0)

42 in Positives # => True
-42 in Positives # => False
0 in Positives # => False


Since Z-Expressions are ValueTypes, they can be combined with other ValueTypes using ValueType combinators

SmallPositiveInts = Int & (Z>0) & (Z<10)  

4 in SmallPositiveInts # => True
4.1 in SmallPositiveInts # => False, not an Int
42 in SmallPositiveInts # => False, too big

Composition with ZefOps

You can also use any ZefOp (including user-defined Zef functions) within Z-Expressions:

SpecialList = (Z | sum == 42)  # Lists that add up to 42  

[10, 32] in SpecialList # True
[1,2,3] in SpecialList # False

Use with Fields

# the Field ZefOp is just a regular function  
Z | F.Name == 'Bob' # the set of all things named `Bob`

# use of high level language
Z.age > 42 # the "field" notation may hook into resolver fcts

This notation is particularly useful when writing queries.

# all persons called `Bob Smith` born before 1942  
MyQuery = (
ET.Person & # denotes a set of entities by type
(Z.first_name=='Bob') &
(Z.last_name=='Smith') &
(Z.year_of_birth < 1942)


zef_type(Z)                    # ZExpression  
zef_type(Z | first) # ZExpression
zef_type(Z | first == 42) # ValueType
zef_type(Z | first > 42) # ValueType

Z-Expressions bind stronger than other ValueTypes. Composite expressions are also Z-Expressions UNTIL a binary logic operator (==, !=, <, >, <=, '>=') is encountered: at this point the entire expression converts to a ValueType.
You can think of the resulting ValueType being a wrapper around a predicate function.