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Writing to Graphs

This is a list with minimal examples of the different approaches to write to ZefDB.

Single Entities / Atoms

db = DB()  

alfred = ET.Person | transact[db] | run # returns a reference (ZefRef) to the entity in the DB
bertrand = ET.Person | db | run # shorthand

Multiple Unrelated Atoms

my_refs = [ET.Person, ET.City, AET.Bool, AET.String] | db | run  

Relations (aka Facts)

(alfred, RT.teacher_of, bertrand) | db | run     # using existing entities  
_,_,ludwig = (bertrand, RT.teacher_of, ET.Person) | db, run # instantiate a new entity and a relation to it

(ludwig, RT.surname, 'Wittgenstein'), # if values other than `ET. ...` are used, these are interpreted as AE and assignement
(ludwig, RT.born_in, ET.City[V.vienna]), # relation to new
(V.vienna,, Val('Vienna')), # wrapping a value in `Val` says: "don't create an attribute entity, link directly to the value node"

ET.Country # we can also create separate entities in this list

Object Notation

alan = ET.Person(  
surname='Turing', # creates an RT.surname to an AET[String] and assigns "turing"
born_in=ET.City( # we can nest entities (unlike JSON/dicts, with explicit types!)
) | db | run
# in the object notation, only the ZefRef to the root (the actual "object") is returned

# using existing refs to entities: express intent which fields to set


# this can also be combined with other syntax in a list of graph changes.
(V.jonny, RT.born_in, ET.City(name='Budapest')),

surname='von Neumann',

(V.jonny, RT.tried_to_hire, alan),

alan.year_of_birth << 1912, # if the field exists as an AE: assign. Otherwise instantiate and assign. Field must be unique.
alan.student_of << ludwig, # !!!!! WRONG !!!!!! This notation is only for assigning values, not linking with other entities!

alan.phd_supervisor.surname << 'Church', # we can chain outgoing relations though

Dealing with Fields on Relations

alonso = db | now | all[ET.Person & (Z.surname=='Church')] | single  


RT.phd_thesis(supervisor=V.alonso, year_of_completion=1938): ET.Document()

Tools for Dealing with Fields

alan.bank_balance | update[add[100*usd]],
jonny.bank_balance | update[subtract[100*usd]],

Putting Constraints on Attribute Entities

Since new values can be assigned at later times, you may want to put upfront restrictions on a given AE

# create new AE. even if one is present. Assign a value in same TX.  
(living_room, RT.temperature, AE[Temperature] << 25*celsius)

Multiary Relations

using sets with {...} indicates that multiple elements are associated under that relation type and order is not important.

friends = {alan, ET.Person(first_name='Claude')}
# The set can be understood as multiple enttities being
# linked via the same relation type.

# In this context, when used on an existing entity, it means: we want this set as the resulting state.
# If previous things were connected and they are no longer in the new list: too bad, they will be killed off.

Workings in diffs

# add or remove items from the set  
ET.Person[ET.freeman](first_name='Freeman', surname='Dyson')

jonny.friends | add[V.freeman, alonso] # add to set. Do not clear previous members. Won't be added if present.

jonny.friends | remove[alan] # remove: you have to use references to existing entities.
# open question: if not in list, should removal requests error or accept silently?


Ordered Lists on Graphs

# don't add these at first. Only ideas for later, but only when an actual use case arises.  
# insert_after
# insert_before
# update_at
# remove_at
# sort
# reverse

Dictionary Notation

 {ET.Person : {  
RT.FirstName: "Fred",
RT.YearOfBirth: 1970,
RT.Parent: z1
} | g | run

This notation is no longer required since the object notation became possible. It will probably be sunset.

Accessing Atoms by Event Type

db | now | all[Instantiated]    # does this return ZefRef to atoms?  
db | now | all[Terminated[RT]] # With subtype