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Managing Atom Encodings

Encodings / "Tokens" are the 32bit encodings used to identify entity and relation types.
To achieve agreement of what encodings mean across the system of various nodes running Zef, ZefHub manages the coordination of these encodings.

Here we document some internal details to deal with issues when things go wrong and manual intervention is required.


If import zefdb is erroring, it could be because it is unable to connect to
ZefHub and doesn't know about a new RT in the import process. Similarly, if
zefdb takes a long time to import, because it needs to connect to ZefHub, then
this process is useful.

Adding new global tokens

Manual method

To do this manaully, you can use the token_management command. This requires
that you can start a zef session somehow (e.g. from a previous commit).

from zef.pyzef.admins import token_management  

token_management("add", ET.NewEntity, "group:everyone")
token_management("add", RT.NewRelation, "group:everyone")
token_management("add", EN.NewEnum.Value, "group:everyone")

If you can start a session but are unable to create tokens, you can do the same
commands via pure strings:

token_management("add", "ET", "NewEntity", "group:everyone")  
token_management("add", "RT", "NewRelation", "group:everyone")
token_management("add", "EN", "NewEnum.Value", "group:everyone")

Automatic method

If there are a lot of tokens, or you are unable to import zef, then you can
use the scripts in the update_tokens directory of the git repo. (TODO:
actually this does require a working build, I will have to work on this...)

Follow these steps:

  1. Get the latest tokens for your build: python3 in the git
  2. Build zefDB ./
  3. cd to the update_tokens directory.
  4. Run python3
  5. Run python3 early.
  6. Check the list of tokens to be added and answer yes to the prompt.

Tidying up

Once the new tokens have been added, you will need to reget and rebuild zefDB:

  1. Run python3 in the git repo.
  2. Build zefDB ./

What does this do?

On ZefHub, the tokens are stored uniquely, so that their integer value can be
used instead of their string value. Users should not be aware of all of the
created tokens, in case they contain sensitive information in string form.
Hence, users only initially see the global tokens in the "everyone" group.

New tokens created via ET.x commands, etc... are automatically added to the
known list of tokens by ZefHub, and are added to that specific user's list of
known tokens. However, they are not added to the "everyone" group.

When developing zefDB and adding new tokens to represent, e.g. RTs, means that
the import of the zef module will come across tokens that are not part of
the everyone group and so require connection to ZefHub. If a user is not logged
in, this means importing the zef module is impossible.

Hence, when we are creating new "core requirement" tokens, we should also add
these to the "everyone" group on ZefHub.