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Graph-Relational Model

Tabular Data

Actor Table

first namelast namefavorite food
  • Entity type: implicit in the table name
  • Identity of entities: either implicitly managed (error-prone) or explicit in some "key" column (beware of non-uniqueness of keys between tables)
  • Rows: each row typically corresponds to an entity (or atom in general). Identity of each entity (row) may be made explicit by a key (local ID) column.
  • Columns: The column name maps onto the relation type.
  • Cell / Value in Table: this corresponds to the target element / actual value in the semantic triple.

Plain Python Data

{'first_name': 'John', 'last_name': 'Travolta','favorite_food':'🍕'},
{'first_name': 'Samuel','last_name':'Jackson', 'favorite_food':'🍔'},
{'first_name': 'Uma', 'last_name': 'Thurman', 'favorite_food':'🥦'},

Semantic Triples (Facts)

(ET.Person[:'p1'], RT.FirstName, 'John'),
(ET.Person[:'p1'], RT.LastName, 'Travolta'),
(ET.Person[:'p1'], RT.FavoriteFood, '🍕'),

(ET.Person[:'p2'], RT.FirstName, 'Samuel'),
(ET.Person[:'p2'], RT.LastName, 'Jackson'),
(ET.Person[:'p2'], RT.FavoriteFood, '🍔'),

(ET.Person[:'p3'], RT.FirstName, 'Uma'),
(ET.Person[:'p3'], RT.LastName, 'Thurman'),
(ET.Person[:'p3'], RT.FavoriteFood, '🥦'),

Zef Graph

This is shown in very granular form here. For practical purposes, we usually have a more compressed view when visually displaying graphs.

Which Problems does the Graph-Relational Model Address?

Or why it is worth departing from the trodden paths?

SQL-Based Relational DBsLabeled Property GraphsGraph-Relational
SchemaTypically no strong support
Data model decoupled from representationsometimes
Supports fields("properties") on relations✅ (typically)
no painful schema migrations
Strong transactional model (ACID)❌ (commonly)
good for thinking in tables
good for thinking in graphs❌ (not obvious to non-pros)
good for thinking in objects❌ (ORMs have problems)
maps onto differential computation / streaming3 / 51 / 55 / 5
conceptual soundness: based on formal logic3 / 53 / 55 / 5
first class support for facts over time

Comparison to Relational Model

  • Thinking in terms of entities and relations allows you to focus more on the domain, not the representation of the data. It allows you to think at a higher level: types and sets instead of join tables and query patterns.
  • ZefDoc - Representing Temporally Qualified Information in ZefDB