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Funny How the Knight Moves

This is a solution to the game.

from zef import *  
from zef.ops import *

def to_coords(pos):
return (ord(pos[0].lower())-96, pos[1])

start_pos = ('h',4)
target_pos = ('g',4)

# position of knight: p = (x,y)
# we want to find the shortest path to a target field t = (tx,ty)

# knight_moves = [-2,-1,1,2] | repeat[2] | collect | cartesian_product | filter[map[abs] | sum |equals[3] ] | collect
# knight_moves = [(x,y) for x in [-2,-1,1,2] for y in [-2,-1,1,2] if abs(x)+abs(y)==3]
queen_pos = (4,5)
knight_moves = [(-2,-1),(-2,1),(-1,-2),(-1,2),(1,-2),(1,2),(2,-1),(2,1)]

OnBoard = Where[lambda p: 1<=p[0]<=8 and 1<=p[1]<=8]
BlockedByQueen = Where[lambda p: (
p[0]==queen_pos[0] or
p[1]==queen_pos[1] or
OK = OnBoard & ~BlockedByQueen

# # start move
# [
# [(5,2)],
# ]

# # sequence after first move
# [
# [(5,2), (6, 4)],
# [(5,2), (4, 4)],
# [(5,2), (3, 3)],
# [(5,2), (7, 3)],
# ]
# # then cull any paths that contain points that were already present: these are latecomers

def find_path(start_coords, target_coords):
def pos_add(p1, delta):
return (p1[0]+delta[0],p1[1]+delta[1])

def step(seqs):
def step_single_seq(seq):
return (seq
| last
| apply[ [pos_add[d] for d in knight_moves] ]
| filter[OK]
| map[lambda new: [*seq, new]]
PreviousPos = Where[contained_in][set(seqs | concat | collect)]
return seqs | map[step_single_seq] | concat | filter[lambda s: s[-1] not in PreviousPos] | collect

return (start_coords
| iterate[step]
| take_until[map[last] | contains[target_coords] ] # stop when target is on one path
| last
| filter[last | equals[target_coords] ] # remove paths that don't end at target
| first # there may be multiple solutions, just take the first
| collect

# Goal: print out a list of move sequences
| repeat[2] # both left-right and up-down
| cartesian_product
| reverse
| map[reverse]
| filter[OK] # only positions where the queen would not capture
| sliding[2] # pairs of start and target positions for each sequence
| map[unpack[find_path]] # for each pair: find the shortest path
| map[map[lambda p: f"{int_to_alpha(p[0]-1)}{p[1]}" ] | join['->'] ] # display as ['g', 6]
| collect

# Output is of form
# ['h8->g6->f8',
# 'f8->h7->f6->e8',
# 'e8->f6->h7->f8->g6->e7->c8',
# 'c8->b6->a4->c3->b1->a3->c2->b4->a6->b8',
# 'b8->a6->c7->e8->f6->h7',
# ...