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Data-First vs Data-Last Languages. Where Python Stands

Is 'idiomatic' Python data-first or data-last?

To me it seems unclear / undecided (if you feel snarky, you could call Python 'confused') on this front. Let's look at some examples to demonstrate my point. Python has the three primordial operators built into the core language:

import functools as ft  

map(lambda x: x+1, [1,2,3,4]) # data-last
filter(lambda x: x%2, [1,2,3,4]) # data-last
ft.reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [1,2,3,4], 0) # "data-second"??? wtf?

While we're at it, let's also remark that map and filter return lazy values, but ft.reduce evaluates eagerly.

Let's look at some functions from the core language's itertools:

import itertools as it  

it.dropwhile(lambda x: x<5, [1,4,6,4,1]) # data-last
it.islice('ABCDEFG', 2, None)  # data-first
it.product('ABCD', repeat=2) # data-first
it.takewhile(lambda x: x<5, [1,4,6,4,1]) # data-last

What about functions / methods associated with classes? Let's look at Python's str splitting.

'Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu'.split(' ')  

If we implement such methods for our own classes, how would we do that?

class String():  
def split(self, sep=None, maxsplit=-1):

In this case self would refer to the data (the object). Methods are also just functions in Python that are slapped onto the class. Hence, in Python's idiomatic object-oriented approach, methods are data-first: the first argument passed into the method is always the object on which the method is called and the dot notation is just syntactic sugar.

So how do we remember where the data argument comes in the various builtin Python functions and what is the recommended approach in the language?

Personally, I find this lack of consistency of Python and Itertools a bit tedious: I often need to look up the order of arguments for some of the itertools functions I don't use on a daily basis.

The Principles for Zef

Use a data-first approach throughout. This eliminates guess work. It also fits in well with Python's (possibly implicit) philosophy for functions with multiple arguments, some of which with default values: "less important arguments" (with defaults provided) come last in the function signature. Important arguments come first. The main data which is operated on can usually be considered an important argument.

We refer to the very first argument of a ZefOp / Zef Function as the data flow argument. When piping functions, this is the data that flows through the pipeline, being transformed from one value to the next along the pipeline.

If the dataflow argument is not provided, there is no way that the function has all parameters to start execution. We can therefore use this as a foundational principle in our system of lazy computation to create a rule when actual evaluation is triggered: once the data flow argument is provided.

Application to Currying

This allows us to provide a convenient way to deal with the two usually somewhat problematic concerns:

  • currying of functions
  • dealing with function argument's default values
  • future topic discussed elsewhere: currying with keyword arguments

Role of Square Brackets [...]

As a general rule of thumb in Zef, the square brackets are used to "absorb" values. Absorption simply means that the resulting value is of similar external type, but it contains an additional nested value / attribute. You can think of it like nesting in JSON or adding an element to a list.
This applies to Zef functions, ZefOps and Zef ValueTypes. These can all be thought of to contain a list of internally absorbed values.
How can you access them? Using the "absorbed" ZefOp: e.g. my_operator | absorbed

Currying in of positional arguments is done using [...] operators.

my_reduce = reduce[multiply][1.0]  

my_value = [1,2,3,4] | my_reduce # this uniquely defines the value. But is not evaluated yet.

# how to evaluate?
my_value() # a lazy value is equivalent to a pure function that takes no args
my_value | collect # collect triggers evaluation of values.

This adds one layer of indirection when compared to "normal" Python code. Even for pure functions, we can specify all arguments without causing the calculation to run. We're decoupling the declaration of the value from computation. As you start using this pattern, you will hopefully start to see the power that it brings in different contexts. It is especially useful in the domain of distributed computation and distributed systems.

Backwards Compatibility

One important aspect of Zef is to keep backwards compatibility with existing Python code. Even when dealing with Zef functions and ZefOps: you can always still use them like regular Python functions . When used with good old parentheses and all required function arguments, evaluation is triggered eagerly.

Applied to the example from above

reduce([1,2,3,4], multiply, 0.0)  # with positional args  

Comparison to other Languages

  • Elixir: chooses a data-first approach. See this post and this video for a short discussion.
  • C++: the standard algorithms (even before ranges) also takes a data-first approach. So did Eric Niebler in constructing RangesV3.
  • F-Sharp: functions are curried by default and they go with a consistent data-last approach
  • Rescript is data-first and has a built in pipe operator -> which automatically works with partial function application of the second argument onwards. This is syntactically closest to the Zef syntax.


  • my_operator[...] partially applies arguments
  • We have a strong syntactic distinction between
    1. composing new functions via [...] and |
    2. executing functions via (...), collect and injecting the dataflow argument into the pipeline

References & Further Reading