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Using ZefFX

A Declarative Approach

Instead of performing side-effectful operations eagerly, the Zef's managed effects system (ZefFX) allow you to declare what you would do.
It allows separating the intent from the execution.

This may take a bit of getting used to, but is an extremely useful tool to make your code more testable and decoupled: it allows you to write a much larger part of your business logic code as pure functions, which returns data structures describing what effectful operations on the outside world should be performed. These data strictures describing the intent are called "wishes" in Zef.


They are pure data. In fact they are just simple Python dictionaries that know which type of wish they are and contain all data that is required for the execution of the effect by the effect system.

Basic Example

Let's look at a wish to express the intent of copying text to the clipboard

my_wish = {  
'type': FX.Clipboard.CopyTo,
'value': 'hello world'

where FX.Clipboard.CopyTo is a literal value.


To actually execute the effect, we can use the function called execute. It takes a wish and attempts to execute it in a controlled environment using the effect handler associated with that specific type of effect.


Since this is an impure operation, this is wrapped in run (see ...)

Shorthand Notation

Instead of writing out the dictionary as above, one can also use the shorthand notation

my_wish = FX.Clipboard.CopyTo(value='hello world')  

The effect type itself can be seen to act as the constructor. The expression evaluates to the same dictionary as above.

This notation has the following advantages:

  1. it is shorter
  2. Fail early: if specified by the effect module, a verification check is performed at the point of construction. If parameters are invalid or missing, an informative error is returned at this point. This prevents the error occurring further downstream when execution is attempted.

Analogy with an HTTP-Based Service

The core idea of Zef's managed effect system is to encapsulate the icky interaction with the outside world. All communication with this system is done via messages.
This pattern is very similar to one that you may be familiar with from typical we services. Suppose you had to interact with an "email sending service" that exposes an HTTP API. It exposes different functionality under different end points. All communication with it is done via encoding your data as json and sending request-response queries to its HTTP API.
The differences of Zef's effect system is that

HTTP ServiceZefFX
dataserialized JSONplain Python data structures
communicationtypically over the network 🌿local in process / over the network
communication patternrequest-responserequest-response / stream-based
serialization overheadconversion to JSON / parsingNone