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Traversing Time

Moving Between GraphSlices

You can traverse through time across different DB states by using the time_travel ZefOp. In all cases below, a GraphSlice is returned.

Moving by a fixed number of GraphSlices / TXs:
my_graph_slice | time_travel[+4]  # returns GraphSlice | Error  
my_graph_slice | time_travel[-2] # move backwards in time by 2 slices
Moving by a fixed duration (relative to current GraphSlice)
my_graph_slice | time_travel[-2 * unit.hours]  # travel back in time  

Related: units in Zef.

Moving to an absolute time
t1 = now() - 0.5 * unit.hours  

my_graph_slice | time_travel[t1]
my_graph | time_travel[t1] # this also works for eternal graphs

Time Travel for ZefRefs

The identical syntax can also be used on a ZefRef instead of a GraphSlice. In that case, another ZefRef is returned: the identity of the atom remains constant, but it is viewed from the same eternal graph at a different time.

Moving by a fixed number of GraphSlices / TXs:
my_zefref | time_travel[+4]  # returns ZefRef | Error  
my_zefref | time_travel[-2] # move backwards in time by 2 slices
Moving by a fixed duration (relative to current GraphSlice)
my_zefref | time_travel[-2 * unit.hours]  # travel back in time  
Moving to an absolute time
t1 = now() - 0.5 * unit.hours  

my_zefref | time_travel[t1]
my_ezefref | time_travel[t1] # this also works for eternal ZefRefs

Error Cases

For all of the above cases, if the implied time lies outside of the bounds of the graph (prior to the first GraphSlice or later than the last GraphSlice present), an Error is returned.