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Traversing Graphs

This page is focussed on traversing GraphSlices, i.e. traversing the knowledge graph across "space" at a specific time. ZefDB also provides a similar API to traverse the eternal graph across space and time: traversing eternal graphs

Finding all Attached Atoms

z_person | Outs        # show all atoms attached to   
z_person | Ins
z_person | ins_and_outs

Filtering on Specific Relation Types

z_person | Outs[RT.FriendOf]  
z_person | Ins[RT.FriendOf]
z_person | ins_and_outs[RT.FriendOf]

Why are In, Out, ... capitalized in contrast to all other ZefOps? There would be a name collision with Python's "in" keyword.

Accessing "Fields"

Note that the equivalent of fields are relations of a specific type that occur exactly once

z_person | Out[RT.FirstName] # there must be exactly one such relation  

The operators In, Out, Ins, Outs, ... always return ZefRef(s)

Getting Hold of the Relations

In some cases we may not be interested in the atoms connected as source / target of a specified relation, but rather want a ZefRef to the relation itself.

z_person | out_rel[RT.FriendOf]    # in case of a one-to-one relation  
z_person | out_rels[RT.FriendOf] # varaible number

z_person | in_rel[RT.FriendOf]
z_person | in_rels[RT.FriendOf]

Shorthand Notation

z_person | F.FirstName     # returns a value  
z_person | Fs.FriendOf # returns a List[ZefRef] if an entity is attached

F is a shortcut symbol (for "field"): using the dot notation, the expression F.Something is a ZefOp and has similar behavior to Out[RT.FriendOf].

It is slightly more opinionated though:

  1. If an attribute entity is attached as the target of the traversed relation, the value assigned in that Graph Slice is automatically returned (as opposed to a ZefRef to the attribute entity)
  2. If an entity or relation is attached as a target, a ZefRef to this is returned.

This is convenient when writing high level code, where you may often be interested in the actual value.
Fs is the one-to-many counterpart to F (as Outs is to Out).

Filtering on Target Type

z_person | Outs[RT.FriendOf][ET.Dog]  

A type can be curried in as a second argument. This can be seen as a form of pattern matching which filters out all nodes connected by both the specified relation set and target type set.