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What is SimpleGQL?

The zef.gql.server_simplegql provides a way to host a GraphQL server using
only a GraphQL schema file. No setup of the Zef graph is required.

The purpose of SimpleGQL is to provide frontend developers a backend that "just
works" but can later be extended/interacted with the full suite of Zef capability.

This page assumes you understand GraphQL schema files.

Prepare a SimpleGQL-compatible GraphQL schema file

A SimpleGQL-compatible schema file contains only type and enum definitions,
and can look like:

# Zef.SchemaVersion: v1  

type Employee {
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
dob: DateTime

reportsTo: Employee
responsibleFor: [Employee] @relation(rt: ReportsTo) @incoming
department: Department
status: EmploymentStatus

enum EmploymentStatus {

type Department {
name: String!

employees: [Employee] @relation(rt: Department) @incoming

To host this as a GraphQL server, we save this file to sample.graphql and then

python3 -m zef.gql.simplegql --schema-file=sample.graphql --data-tag=data --create --port 5001 --bind  

Note that this command uses (or creates if it doesn't already exist) a graph
with the tag data. You may then point your browser at the GraphQL
and enter http://localhost:5001/gql to
explore the GraphQL API. Try creating a department and employee and then
querying them.

For help on the command line arguments, run:

python3 -m zef.gql.simplegql --help  

SimpleGQL directives

The SimpleGQL schema follows standard GraphQL schema rules for type and
enum. In addition it supports the following directives on fields:

  • @relation(source, rt, target): indicates the underlying Zef graph relation
    that should be traversed from this type of entity to obtain the field.
  • @relation(rt) as above, but where the source and target are guessed.
  • @incoming the underlying Zef graph relation is incoming to this entity.
  • @unique the field should be kept unique. Attempts to create entities with
    the same field will result in an error.
  • @search: indicates this field is searchable and sortable in queries.

A special directive on a type of @upfetch can also be used. This should be
used sparingly, and only when an atomic "check or create" operation is needed.
For example, a user account which is uniquely identified by its email could

type User  
@upfetch(field: "email") {
email: String! @unique @search
givenName: String

Only one field can be marked as the upfetch field of a type, and it creates a
special mutation for the GraphQL API. As an upfetch field is similar to a UID,
it must be unique and required. Note that each entity also has a UID, which
can be used instead.


The types also support the @auth directive. This is best described with an

# Zef.SchemaVersion: v1  
# Zef.Authentication: {"JWKURL": "", "Audience": "firebase-audience-here", "Header": "X-Auth-Token"}

type User @auth(
query: "z | Out[RT.FirebaseID] | value | equals[info.context | get_in[('auth', 'USER_ID')][None] | collect]",
add: "info.context | get_in[('auth', 'admin')][False]"
) {
firebaseID: String! @unique
email: String @unique
givenName: String
familyName: String
phone: String
birthday: DateTime

The query, add, update, updatePost and delete arguments are each user-defined
functions which act as predicates that should return whether this operation is
permitted. Each function has access to the variables:

  • z: the current entity of the GraphQL type.
  • type_node: the entity corresponding to the GraphQL type schema node.
  • info: the ariadne info struct

Each function is run at a different time and has some default fallback behaviour:

  • query: runs whenever an entity is traversed. If empty will return True.
  • add: runs whenever a new entity is created, using the graph state as if
    that entity has already been created. If not present, will fallback to query.
  • update: runs whenever an entity would be modified, using the graph state
    before the modification. Falls back to query.
  • updatePost: runs whenever an entity would be modified, using the graph state
    as if the modification has already happened. Falls back to update.
  • delete: runs whenever an entity would be deleted, using the graph state
    before the deletion. Falls back to update.

Auth variables

The auth configuration must be present in a line with a comment beginning:

# Zef.Authentication:   

and the remainder of the line will be parsed as a JSON object. The configuration
must be on one line only, without line breaks.

The auth configuration can be either for an asymmetric or symmetric key sharing.
In either case, JWTs are used to validate user sessions. The allowed keys in the
configuration JSON object are:

  • Algo: either 'RS256' for asymmetric key sharing with a JWT or 'HS256' for
    symmetric key sharing.
  • JWKURL: only allowed when Algo is 'RS256'. The URL where the JWK key can be obtained.
  • VerificationKey: only allowed when Algo is 'HS256'. The preshared key for
    symmetric authentication as a string. Any \n present in the string will be
    replaced with line breaks.
  • VerificationKeyEnv: only allowed when Algo is 'HS256'. The name of an
    environment variable where the preshared key is located.
  • Audience: to validate the audience field of the JWT
  • Header: what HTTP header is used to find the JWT in client connections.
  • Namespace: if not given, the entire JWT object is made available as
    info.context['auth'], otherwise only the key in the JWT given by Namespace
    is made available at info.context['auth'].
  • Public: if True (the default) then HTTP requests without a JWT are allowed
    through with info.context['auth'] set to None.

If auth has been verified, the query progresses and the entire JWT is made
available at info.context['auth']. If only a part of the JWT should be made
available, the configuration key Namespace should be used.