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NetworkX Interface

NetworkX is the most established graph library for Python and provides a large collection of graph algorithms. A ZefDB state can be "wrapped" to have the interface of a NetworkX graph, allowing you to use many of the NetworkX algorithms directly on your data.

The proxy object zef.experimental.networkx.ProxyGraph presents a
NetworkX-style interface, which is compatible with many of the NetworkX algorithms.

Note that this proxy object is lazy. It does not make a copy of the Zef
graph, and accesses the graph data only when requested through the NetworkX proxy.

Creating a proxy object

Starting with some dummy data:

zg = Graph()  
(ET.Person["alex"], RT.Name, "Alex"),
(ET.Person["bob"], RT.Name, "Bob"),
(ET.Person["charlie"], RT.Name, "Charlie"),
(ET.Person["doug"], RT.Name, "Doug"),

(Z["alex"], RT.FriendsWith["rel"], Z["bob"]),
(Z["alex"], RT.FriendsWith, Z["charlie"]),
(Z["bob"], RT.RivalsWith, Z["charlie"]),
(Z["bob"], RT.RivalsWith, Z["doug"]),

(Z["rel"], [(RT.Since, now()),
(RT.MetAt, "Gym"),]),
] | transact[zg] | run

we can construct a proxy NetworkX graph of the friends network:

import networkx as nx  
from zef.experimental.networkx import ProxyGraph

dg = ProxyGraph(now(zg), ET.Person, RT.FriendsWith)
ug = ProxyGraph(now(zg), ET.Person, RT.FriendsWith, undirected=True)

wher dg is a directed graph (nx.DiGraph) and udg is undirected
(nx.Graph), consisting of the subgraph made up of only ET.Person entities
and RT.FriendsWith relations.

It is possible to have different views simultaneously. For example:

dg_all = ProxyGraph(now(zg), ET.Person)  
ug_all = ProxyGraph(now(zg), ET.Person, undirected=True)

will consider all relations between ET.Person entities to be edges, that is
RT.FriendsWith and RT.RivalsWith are considered equal.

Note that proxy views are of a GraphSlice, and so are immutable and will not
advance with the Zef graph head.

Node/edge properties

Nodes are simple wrappers around a ZefRef object and any AETs on the entities are interpreted as fields:

>>> for node in dg.nodes:  
... print(f"{node} has name {dg.nodes[node]['Name']}")

<ZefRef #97 ET.Person slice=2> has name Doug
<ZefRef #127 ET.Person slice=2> has name Charlie
<ZefRef #135 ET.Person slice=2> has name Bob
<ZefRef #143 ET.Person slice=2> has name Alex

Edges can similarly possess fields:

>>> # We can also do lookups with ZefRefs  
... z_alex = zg | now | all[ET.Person] | select_by_field[RT.Name]["Alex"] | collect
... z_bob = zg | now | all[ET.Person] | select_by_field[RT.Name]["Bob"] | collect
... info = dg[z_alex][z_bob]
... print(f"Edge information: {info}")

Edge information: {'MetAt': 'Gym', 'Since': <Time 2022-07-08 07:55:57 (+0800)>, 'type': RT.FriendsWith}

Simple characterisations

Many simple NetworkX analysis functions will work directly on these graphs:

>>> nx.node_connectivity(ug_all)  

>>> list(nx.connected_components(ug))  

[{<ZefRef #97 ET.Person slice=2>},
{<ZefRef #127 ET.Person slice=2>,
<ZefRef #135 ET.Person slice=2>,
<ZefRef #143 ET.Person slice=2>}]
>>> nx.greedy_color(ug_all)  

{<ZefRef #135 ET.Person slice=2>: 0,
<ZefRef #127 ET.Person slice=2>: 1,
<ZefRef #143 ET.Person slice=2>: 2,
<ZefRef #97 ET.Person slice=2>: 1}
>>> nx.shortest_path(dg_all)  

{<ZefRef #97 ET.Person slice=2>: {<ZefRef #97 ET.Person slice=2>: [<ZefRef #97 ET.Person slice=2>]},
<ZefRef #127 ET.Person slice=2>: {<ZefRef #127 ET.Person slice=2>: [<ZefRef #127 ET.Person slice=2>]},
<ZefRef #135 ET.Person slice=2>: {<ZefRef #135 ET.Person slice=2>: [<ZefRef #135 ET.Person slice=2>],
<ZefRef #97 ET.Person slice=2>: [<ZefRef #135 ET.Person slice=2>,
<ZefRef #97 ET.Person slice=2>],
<ZefRef #127 ET.Person slice=2>: [<ZefRef #135 ET.Person slice=2>,
<ZefRef #127 ET.Person slice=2>]},
<ZefRef #143 ET.Person slice=2>: {<ZefRef #143 ET.Person slice=2>: [<ZefRef #143 ET.Person slice=2>],
<ZefRef #127 ET.Person slice=2>: [<ZefRef #143 ET.Person slice=2>,
<ZefRef #127 ET.Person slice=2>],
<ZefRef #135 ET.Person slice=2>: [<ZefRef #143 ET.Person slice=2>,
<ZefRef #135 ET.Person slice=2>],
<ZefRef #97 ET.Person slice=2>: [<ZefRef #143 ET.Person slice=2>,
<ZefRef #135 ET.Person slice=2>,
<ZefRef #97 ET.Person slice=2>]}}

Many other NetworkX features work as above.

Complex algorithms

Many of the NetworkX algorithms need to build up their own temporary graph to
compute the output. This fails as a ProxyGraph is immutable. To work around
this, a copy of the proxy object as a pure NetworkX object can be made using


The nodes in a graph returned by to_native() are still thin wrappers around a
ZefRef and can be used to get back to data on the original graph directly.