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GraphQL API for Movies and Actors

In the Getting Started for GraphQL tutorial, we deployed a simple version of the GraphQL API. In this tutorial, we will be writing more complex queries and mutations, that resembles more closely to a real life application. We will also be giving a more in depth explanation to related concepts within the Zef Ecosystem.

Loading Data (Again)

Continuing from our getting started series, we have successfully transacted the Actor and Movies entities into our database. If you have still access to the database from it, you can skip this section.

However, if you don't have access to the previous database instance, you can load the data again by running the following code:

from zef import DB, ET, RT  
from zef.ops import run

db = DB()

jen_law = ET.Actor["jl"](

data = [
acted_in=ET.Movie(title="Captain America")
(jen_law, RT.acted_in, ET.Movie(title="Hunger Games")),
(jen_law, RT.acted_in, ET.Movie(title="Causeway")),

data | db | run

Importing Zef

Lets import the modules that will be used in this tutorial.

from zef.ops import *  
from zef.core import *
from zef.graphql import *
from rich.pretty import pprint

Declaring GraphQL Schema

The following code snippet represents a GraphQL schema, which is a blueprint that defines the types of data that a GraphQL server can access:

type Query {  
actor(id: ID!): Actor
actors(firstName: String, lastName: String): [Actor]
movie(id: ID!): Movie
movies(title: String) : [Movie]
actedIn(id: ID!): [Movie]

type Mutation {
addActor(firstName: String!, lastName: String!): Actor
addMovie(title: String!, actors: [ID]!): Movie

type Actor {
id: ID
firstName: String
lastName: String

type Movie {
id: ID
title: String
actors: [Actor]

The schema defines two Object Types, Actor and Movie, with their respective fields such as id, firstName, lastName, and title. It also includes two special types, Query and Mutation, which serve as the entry point to the schema, with queries used for reading data and mutations for writing data.

The schema includes the following queries:

  • actor - takes a compulsory argument of ID and returns a single Actor
  • actors - takes optional arguments of firstName and lastName and returns a list of Actor
  • movie - takes a compulsory argument of ID and returns a single Movie
  • movies - takes an optional argument of title and returns a list of Movie
  • actedIn - takes a compulsory argument of an actor ID and returns a list of Movie that the actor has acted in

Additionally, the schema includes two mutations:

  • addActor - takes compulsory arguments of firstName and lastName and creates an Actor instance in the database.
  • addMovie - takes compulsory arguments of title and a list of actor id and creates a Movie instance with actors that acted in the movie in the database.

Generating Data Representation in Python

Next, we need a Python data structure to represent the GraphQL schema defined above. For the sake of simplicity in this tutorial, we will first define the schema as a string in a Python variable:

schema = """  
type Query {
actor(id: ID!): Actor
actors(firstName: String, lastName: String): [Actor]
movie(id: ID!): Movie
movies(title: String) : [Movie]
actedIn(id: ID!): [Movie]

type Mutation {
addActor(firstName: String!, lastName: String!): Actor
addMovie(title: String!, actors: [ID]!): Movie

type Actor {
id: ID
firstName: String
lastName: String

type Movie {
id: ID
title: String
actors: [Actor]

Alternatively, you could define the GraphQL schema in a separate file and read it into Python.

We can then use the helper function parse_schema to generate a dictionary structure for the schema:

schema_dict = parse_schema(schema)  

We can pretty print the resulting schema dictionary in the Python REPL using:

pprint(schema_dict, indent_guides=False)  

will give the following output:

"GraphQLTypes": {
"Query": {
"actor": {
"type": "Actor",
"resolver": None,
"args": {"id": {"type": "ID!"}},
"actors": {
"type": "[Actor]",
"resolver": None,
"args": {
"firstName": {"type": "String"},
"lastName": {"type": "String"},
"movie": {
"type": "Movie",
"resolver": None,
"args": {"id": {"type": "ID!"}},
"movies": {
"type": "[Movie]",
"resolver": None,
"args": {"title": {"type": "String"}},
"actedIn": {
"type": "[Movie]",
"resolver": None,
"args": {"id": {"type": "ID!"}},
"Mutation": {
"addActor": {
"type": "Actor",
"resolver": None,
"args": {
"firstName": {"type": "String!"},
"lastName": {"type": "String!"},
"addMovie": {
"type": "Movie",
"resolver": None,
"args": {"title": {"type": "String!"}, "actors": {"type": "[ID]!"}},
"Actor": {
"id": {"type": "ID", "resolver": None},
"firstName": {"type": "String", "resolver": None},
"lastName": {"type": "String", "resolver": None},
"Movie": {
"id": {"type": "ID", "resolver": None},
"title": {"type": "String", "resolver": None},
"actors": {"type": "[Actor]", "resolver": None},

Filling in Resolvers

In order to use the schema dictionary to start the GraphQL server, we need to define the resolver functions for each of the fields in the schema that we want to use, which are currently defined as None.

Resolvers are functions in a GraphQL server that are responsible for resolving the value of a field in a query. They are the actual implementation of the GraphQL operations defined in the schema. In ZefDB, resolvers would typically interact with the database to perform the queries or mutations specified in the GraphQL schema.

Resolvers for Object Type

To access a specific field for an Actor or Movie entity in ZefDB, you can use a resolver function to retrieve the field value using a "handle" to the entity. In general, you can use the following pattern to retrieve a field value from an entity:

handle | <resolver> | collect  

For example, to retrieve an Actor's first name, you can use the F.first_name , like this:

handle | F.first_name | collect  

Similarly, to get the list of actors that acted in a movie, you can use the Ins[RT.acted_in] resolver, like this:

handle | Ins[RT.acted_in] | collect  

Here, <resolver> is a resolver function that takes a handle to an entity as input and returns the desired field value.

The snippets of the dictionary below is after we fill in all the resolvers for object type:

"Actor": {
"id": {"type": "ID", "resolver": uid},
"firstName": {"type": "String", "resolver": F.first_name},
"lastName": {"type": "String", "resolver": F.last_name},
"Movie": {
"id": {"type": "ID", "resolver": uid},
"title": {"type": "String", "resolver": F.title},
"actors": {"type": "[Actor]", "resolver": Ins[RT.acted_in]},

uid is a ZefOp that takes in a handle to an entity and returns it's uid.

Resolvers for Queries

To write a custom resolver in Zef's GraphQL, it has to follow a certain format

def name_of_resolver(query_args: dict, db: DB):

Let's breakdown the syntax that is happening here:

  1. @func is a decorator that converts a regular python function to a Zef Function
  2. query_args is a dictionary of the arguments passed to the GraphQL query. The keys are the names of the arguments, and the values are their corresponding values. For example, if the query includes actors(firstName: "Tom"), then query_args would be {"firstName": "Tom"}.
  3. db is the ZefDB instance that was injected into the resolver using the @func(db) decorator. The resolver can use this instance to perform queries and mutations on the database.

Lets define the custom resolvers for all five declared GraphQL query type:

def get_actor(query_args, db):
id = query_args.get("id")
res = db[id] | now

return res

def get_actors(query_args, db):

first_name = query_args.get("firstName", None)
last_name = query_args.get("lastName", None)

query_matching = match[
(Tuple[String, Nil], lambda x : (Z | F.first_name == x[0])),
(Tuple[Nil, String], lambda x : (Z | F.last_name == x[1])),
Tuple[String, String], lambda x : (
(Z | F.first_name == x[0])
& (Z | F.last_name == x[1])
(Tuple[Nil, Nil], lambda _ : Any)

query = (
& ((first_name, last_name) | query_matching | collect)

res = (
| now
| all[query]

return res

def get_movie(query_args, db):
id = query_args.get("id")
res = db[id] | now

return res

def get_movies(query_args, db):
title = query_args.get("title", None)

query_matching = match[
(String, lambda x : (Z | F.title == x)),
(Nil, lambda _ : Any)

query = (
& (title | query_matching | collect)

res = (
| now
| all[query]

return res

def get_movies_acted_in(query_args, db):
id = query_args.get("id")

res = (
| now
| Outs[RT.acted_in][ET.Movie]

return res

All of the code in the resolvers is just standard Zef code, which we introduced earlier in our getting started series. It's important to note that we don't use the collect ZefOp in any of the resolvers. The collect operator is invoked at runtime when a user makes a query or mutation.

Resolvers for Mutations

The mutation resolvers are defined in the same way as the query resolvers, with the only difference being that the mutation resolvers will commit a transaction against the database.

def add_actor(query_args, db):
first_name = query_args.get("firstName")
last_name = query_args.get("lastName")

person = ET.Actor(
) | db | run

return person

def add_movie(query_args, db):
title = query_args.get("title")
actor_ids = query_args.get("actors")

new_movie = ET.Movie["m"](title=title)

refs = (
| map[lambda x:(db[x] | now | collect)] # Get Actor Reference
| map[lambda x: (x, RT.acted_in, new_movie)] # Create Triples
| db
| run

return refs[0][2]

We can see how the resolver chains in GraphQL fit nicely with ZefOp's functional coding paradigm. The resolver chains can be expressed in the following form::

| <time_semantic_operator> # Can be "now", "time_travel[-1]", Time(XXXX)
| resolver_1[arguments_1] # First-level resolver with arguments passed by the user
| resolver_2[arguments_2] # Second-level resolver with arguments passed by the user
| ...
| collect

The final Python dictionary of the GraphQL schema will look like the following:

schema_dict = {  
"GraphQLTypes": {
"Query": {
"actor": {
"type": "Actor",
"resolver": get_actor,
"args": {"id": {"type": "ID!"}},
"actors": {
"type": "[Actor]",
"resolver": get_actors,
"args": {
"firstName": {"type": "String"},
"lastName": {"type": "String"},
"movie": {
"type": "Movie",
"resolver": get_movie,
"args": {"id": {"type": "ID!"}},
"movies": {
"type": "[Movie]",
"resolver": get_movies,
"args": {"title": {"type": "String"}},
"actedIn": {
"type": "[Movie]",
"resolver": get_movies_acted_in,
"args": {"id": {"type": "ID!"}},
"Mutation": {
"addActor": {
"type": "Actor",
"resolver": add_actor,
"args": {
"firstName": {"type": "String!"},
"lastName": {"type": "String!"},
"addMovie": {
"type": "Movie",
"resolver": add_movie,
"args": {"title": {"type": "String!"}, "actors": {"type": "[ID]!"}},
"Actor": {
"id": {"type": "ID", "resolver": uid},
"firstName": {"type": "String", "resolver": F.first_name},
"lastName": {"type": "String", "resolver": F.last_name},
"Movie": {
"id": {"type": "ID", "resolver": uid},
"title": {"type": "String", "resolver": F.title},
"actors": {"type": "[Actor]", "resolver": Ins[RT.acted_in]},

Exploring our API

Run the following to start a GraphQL Server with ZefFX:

my_playground = FX.GraphQL.StartPlayground(  
schema_dict = schema_dict,
db = db,
port = 5002,
) | run | get['server_uuid']

Each of the keyword arguments for GraphQL.StartPlayground should be self-explanatory. The return value is the handler to the side effect, which in this case is a dictionary with the uuid of the GraphQL server. This can be used to interact with the server in the future.

To stop the GraphQL server, run:

) | run

Hosting our API

my_server = FX.GraphQL.StartServer(  
schema_dict = schema_dict,
db = db,
port = 5002,
) | run

For this command, the GraphQL playground will be disabled as we don't want to expose that page in a production setting.